富山駅前が急に都会になった!? 歩いて確かめてみた  富山市に「マルート」やホテルが次々オープンToyama has suddenly become a big city !?


#富山駅前 #富山 #北陸新幹線 #マルート #MAROOT  #富岩運河環水公園 #鱒寿司 #スターバックス #松川べり #ダブルツリーbyヒルトン富山

Toyama has suddenly become a big city? We walked around Toyama station and checked it out.

I heard a rumor that the area around Toyama station has suddenly become like a big city by the newly opened shopping mall “MAROOT” and a fancy hotel which belong to same building next to the station. So my wife and I walked around and checked it out.
Actually, I am working in Toyama, but I rarely go to the Toyama station. The area around the station has been changing a lot since the opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen in 2015, and I have been always surprised every time I visited there. This time, too, I was a bit surprised. I would like you to watch the video and judge whether Toyama is actually a big city or a rural town.
I would like this video to be seen by people who have never been to Toyama, as well as by people from Toyama who have not been back to Toyama for many years.

#Toyama #Toyamastation #Hokuriku-shinkansen #Fugan-unga-kansui-kouen #FuganCanalPark #Maroot


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